Harrison, TN CPA Firm



Audit and Assurance Services

Harrison audit services

Valerie A. Jashi CPA offers audit and assurance services to all kinds of growing businesses and non-profit organizations. When we conduct an internal business audit, we'll deliver the highest level of assurance to your investors and creditors. If your business is preparing for a merger or considering a strategic acquisition, we can provide risk management services and due diligence. Our audits for non-profit organizations will enable them to secure funding by providing financial transparency to potential donors. We also offer reviews and compilations when limited or no assurance is required. Whatever your needs, all our audit and assurance services are designed to instill confidence that your records are an accurate and honest representation of the current financial condition of your business or organization.

As a trusted Harrison, TN CPA firm with a reputation for integrity, you can be sure that we'll conduct a fair and objective examination of your finances. We'll perform a methodical review of financial statements, analyze internal controls and test selected transactions in order to deliver a detailed report documenting our findings.

Audit Services, Compilations, and Reviews

Contact us at 973-687-4742 or request a free consultation online to learn more about our audit services. We'll help you decide if an audit, compilation, or review is appropriate in your case.

Internal Audits and Assurance

Valerie A. Jashi CPA employs the highest standards of quality and ethics in conducting all our audit and assurance services. We'll also share our insights for tightening up and improving internal controls.


A compilation of financial statements is the basic level of service we provide when assurance is not required. With a compilation there is no opinion given as to the genuineness of the financial statements or any other form of assurance.

Compliance Reviews

Our compliance review services deliver limited assurance that an organization's financials have not been misstated. Our reviews are administered in line with all guidelines in Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) issued by the AICPA.